Invitation for consultation

CGG Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (CGG) has been approved to undertake a marine seismic survey (MSS) off the Kimberley/Pilbara coast. The Sauropod 3D MSS will take a maximum of 60 days to acquire, and will be undertaken within the acquisition window of January to May (inclusive) during either 2024 or 2025. The precise timing of the survey is subject to vessel availability, weather conditions and other operational considerations, and will take into account the seasonality of environmental sensitivities, where practicable.

The approved environment plan can be found here.

Please contact us if you would like to speak with the team or sign up for survey activity notifications.

Relevant Persons Consultation

A positive outcome, whereby the survey is completed safely and cost effectively and disruption of stakeholder activity is minimised, relies on open communications. CGG wants to work with stakeholders to minimise and mitigate any impacts and invites cooperation from stakeholders in providing open and honest information.

CGG thanks all stakeholders who have taken the time to provide feedback to date and encourages others to provide detailed information on any areas or times of particular importance to their functions, interests or activities, such that impacts can be minimised further.

  • CGG has an approved environment plan for its Sauropod 3D Marine Seismic Survey (MSS), located in the eastern Bedout Sub-basin, approximately 120 km from the West Australian coast at Pardoo and 230 km from Broome. The survey will take a maximum of 60 days to acquire within the acquisition window of January to May 2024 or 2025.

    The Activity Area encompasses the area within which the activity will occur (the Operational Area) plus a buffer within which a change to ambient environmental conditions may occur due to planned activities.

    The Planning Area is defined as the area that might be affected by planned events that will occur within a defined Activity Area or unplanned events which could extend beyond the defined Activity Area e.g., in the low likelihood of an unplanned hydrocarbon spill.

    Full details on the activity, and the environment in the area, can be found here.

  • The features of the environment within the Activity Area and Planning Area (see map below) were comprehensively assessed to identify potential Relevant Persons for which a person’s or organisation’s functions, interests or activities may be affected by the activities to be carried out the environment plan. A description of the features can be found in the previously accepted environment plan.

  • CGG will confirm with stakeholders how they wish to be consulted. CGG will make reasonable efforts to consult with all parties that have been identified as potentially relevant persons. We would like to consult with you in a manner that is suitable for you. This can be via face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails or letters. CGG is planning to be in Broome and Port Headland soon to facilitate face-to-face meetings. If you are interested in attending these, contact us for further details.

  • CGG is committed to ongoing dialogue with all stakeholders and welcomes your or your organisation’s comments at any time.

    Please let us know if you:

    • Have any comments on the activity and the potential impacts on you or your organisation’s interests.

    • Require any further information.

    • Have any preference on how we contact you in the future.

    • Need anything further from us to assist you with comments you might wish to make.

    • Are aware of any other parties who you believe may be relevant and may be affected by the survey.

    If you would like to comment on the proposed activities or would like additional information, please contact CGG .